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                                                                       Intro to Figure Skating 

This program is designed for skaters with an interest in Figure Skating.  Aged 4 years old and older and MUST have passed CanSkate badge 3 or above!

The skaters will be learning skills from the Skate Canada CanSkate badge program and beginning elements from STARSkate-figure skating. Skills include: Agility, Balance, Control, stops, forwards/backwards, edges, turns, jumps, spins, and much more!

This program is for CanSkate badge 4-6 skaters who are interested in figure skating.  It allows skaters to have an idea about figure skating before they commit for the season while they work on finishing the Canskate badges.  

Must have coaches approval to be on this session.

MUST be in proper figure skates!! The below shop(s) are the only stores in Calgary that carry proper figure skates. (proper fit, strong ankle support, proper blades, etc) *No skates from Canadian Tire, Sportchek, online, etc.

Skate Lab (#130-7777 Macleod Trail SW, Calgary, 825-413-5786) 

Professional Skate Shop (1070 - 42 Ave SE, Calgary, 403-243-3663 Ext #1) 

All IntroFS sessions are taught by National Certified coaches with with over 10-30 years of experience, along with the assistance of our great coaching assistants. These assistants are figure skaters themselves learning the wonderful skill of giving back to their community.

For an overview of all of our Intro to Figure Skating group sessions for the season (dates, times, costs, items needed,etc), see the below at-a-glance pdf.

Details for Fall/Winter/Spring Sep 2024 - June 2025: HHSC at-a-glance.pdf

Details for Summer July-August 2024: at-a-glance.pdf


How to Register

You can register your skater for this program by clicking on the registration tab above. For a program specific registration page, please scroll over the tab and click on the program of interest or click HERE


Items Needed

CSA Certified Hockey Helmet (no ski or bike)
Figure Skates (sharpened) (no velcro, molded, snap, etc)
Hard Guards (in case of emergency)
Warm Skating Clothes

*Please note, we DO NOT supply any of the equipment.


Where to next?

Skaters can register in the STARSkate program (figure skating).  Must have permission from coaches!
Other options are Hockey, Ringette, and Speed Skating (these programs are not part of HHSC).
For any questions, please email